Theming Examples

Personal Examples


Examples of how I handle theming with CSS in JS solutions such as Styled Components, Emotion, etc.

Semantic UI

Implementation of Semantic UI's colors, typography, scaling, and grid in a JS object or "theme" for use in Styled Components, Emotion, etc.

import Color from "tinycolor2";
* Creates column percentages based on column count
const createColumns = columnCount => {
const columns = {};
for (let i = 1; i <= columnCount; i += 1) {
columns[i] = `${(i / columnCount) * 100}%`;
return columns;
const grid = {
columnCount: 16,
columns: createColumns(16)
// Define bold vs 700pt
const weight = {
bold: "bold",
normal: "normal"
const border = {
color: "rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15)",
strong: "rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.22)",
internal: "rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.1)",
selected: "rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.35)",
strongSelected: "rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.5)",
disabled: "rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.5)",
solidInternal: "#FAFAFA",
solidBorder: "#D4D4D5",
solidSelected: "#BCBDBD"
const colors = {
offBlack: "#111",
fullBlack: "#000000",
offWhite: "#F9FAFB",
darkWhite: "#F3F4F5",
midWhite: "#DCDDDE",
white: "#FFFFFF",
red: "#DB2828",
orange: "#F2711C",
yellow: "#FBBD08",
olive: "#B5CC18",
green: "#21BA45",
teal: "#00B5AD",
blue: "#2185D0",
violet: "#6435C9",
purple: "#A333C8",
pink: "#E03997",
brown: "#A5673F",
grey: "#767676",
primary: "#CC2029",
secondary: "purple",
disabled: "rgba(40, 40, 40, 0.3)",
disabledInverted: "rgba(225, 225, 225, 0.3)",
positive: {
color: "green",
background: "#FFF6F6",
border: "#A3C293",
header: "#1A531B",
text: "#2C662D"
negative: {
color: "red",
background: "#FFF6F6",
border: "#E0B4B4",
header: "#912D2B",
text: "#9F3A38"
info: {
color: "#31CCEC",
background: "#F8FFFF",
border: "#A9D5DE",
header: "#0E566C",
text: "#276F86"
warning: {
color: "#F2C037",
background: "#C9BA9B",
border: "#FFFAF3",
header: "#794B02",
text: "#573A08"
brand: {
facebook: "#3B5998",
twitter: "#55ACEE",
googleplus: "#DD4B39",
linkedin: "#1F88BE",
youtube: "#FF0000",
pinterest: "#BD081C",
instagram: "#49769C"
const textColors = {
const hoverColors = (color = primary) =>
const focusColors = (color = primary) =>
const downColors = (color = primary) =>
const activeColors = (color = primary) =>
const sizes = {
mini: 11 / 14,
tiny: 12 / 14,
small: 13 / 14,
medium: 14 / 14,
large: 16 / 14,
big: 18 / 14,
huge: 20 / 14,
massive: 24 / 14
const page = {
background: colors.white,
lineHeight: "1.4285em"
const theme = {
background: "#000",
borderColor: "#BF67AD",
typography: {
// Color of default text
color: colors.offBlack,
fonts: {
header: `"Heebo", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif`,
page: `"Heebo", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif`
// The font sizes
size: {
// Controls all em references
em: "14px",
// Base page font
page: "14px"
heading: {
weight: weight.bold,
lineHeight: "1.5em",
h1: `${28 / 14}rem`,
h2: `${24 / 14}rem`,
h3: `${18 / 14}rem`,
h4: `${15 / 14}rem`,
h5: `${14 / 14}rem`
paragraph: {
margin: "0em 0em 1em",
lineHeight: page.lineHeight
borderRadius: "4px",
links: {
color: colors.primary,
underline: "none",
hoverColor: colors.primary
// Form input
input: {
background: colors.white,
color: colors.offBlack,
placeholderColor: "#222",
placeholderFocusColor: "#333",
verticalPadding: "11px",
horizontalPadding: "14px",
inputPadding: "11px 14px",
lineHeight: `${17 / 14}em`,
focused: {
borderColor: "#85B7D9",
mutedBorderColor: "#96C8DA"
// Grid
columnCount: 16,
// Opacities
opacity: {
disabled: "0.45"
// Animation
animation: {
duration: "400ms",
easing: "ease"
// Breakpoints
breakpoints: {
mobile: "320px",
tablet: "768px",
computer: "992px",
desktop: "1200px",
widescreen: "1920px"
icons: {
width: "1.18em"
// Shadows
shadows: {
subtle: `0px 1px 2px 0 ${border.color}`,
floatingShadow: `
0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.12),
0px 2px 10px 0px rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15)
floatingShadowHover: `
0px 2px 4px 0px rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.15),
0px 2px 10px 0px rgba(34, 36, 38, 0.25)
// Import any external objects for easy access
export default theme;

Real World Examples

JSON Format


module.exports = {
prefix: "",
important: false,
separator: ":",
theme: {
screens: {
sm: "640px",
md: "768px",
lg: "1024px",
xl: "1280px"
colors: {
transparent: "transparent",
black: "#000",
white: "#fff",
gray: {
100: "#f7fafc",
200: "#edf2f7",
300: "#e2e8f0",
400: "#cbd5e0",
500: "#a0aec0",
600: "#718096",
700: "#4a5568",
800: "#2d3748",
900: "#1a202c"
red: {
100: "#fff5f5",
200: "#fed7d7",
300: "#feb2b2",
400: "#fc8181",
500: "#f56565",
600: "#e53e3e",
700: "#c53030",
800: "#9b2c2c",
900: "#742a2a"
orange: {
100: "#fffaf0",
200: "#feebc8",
300: "#fbd38d",
400: "#f6ad55",
500: "#ed8936",
600: "#dd6b20",
700: "#c05621",
800: "#9c4221",
900: "#7b341e"
yellow: {
100: "#fffff0",
200: "#fefcbf",
300: "#faf089",
400: "#f6e05e",
500: "#ecc94b",
600: "#d69e2e",
700: "#b7791f",
800: "#975a16",
900: "#744210"
green: {
100: "#f0fff4",
200: "#c6f6d5",
300: "#9ae6b4",
400: "#68d391",
500: "#48bb78",
600: "#38a169",
700: "#2f855a",
800: "#276749",
900: "#22543d"
teal: {
100: "#e6fffa",
200: "#b2f5ea",
300: "#81e6d9",
400: "#4fd1c5",
500: "#38b2ac",
600: "#319795",
700: "#2c7a7b",
800: "#285e61",
900: "#234e52"
blue: {
100: "#ebf8ff",
200: "#bee3f8",
300: "#90cdf4",
400: "#63b3ed",
500: "#4299e1",
600: "#3182ce",
700: "#2b6cb0",
800: "#2c5282",
900: "#2a4365"
indigo: {
100: "#ebf4ff",
200: "#c3dafe",
300: "#a3bffa",
400: "#7f9cf5",
500: "#667eea",
600: "#5a67d8",
700: "#4c51bf",
800: "#434190",
900: "#3c366b"
purple: {
100: "#faf5ff",
200: "#e9d8fd",
300: "#d6bcfa",
400: "#b794f4",
500: "#9f7aea",
600: "#805ad5",
700: "#6b46c1",
800: "#553c9a",
900: "#44337a"
pink: {
100: "#fff5f7",
200: "#fed7e2",
300: "#fbb6ce",
400: "#f687b3",
500: "#ed64a6",
600: "#d53f8c",
700: "#b83280",
800: "#97266d",
900: "#702459"
spacing: {
px: "1px",
"0": "0",
"1": "0.25rem",
"2": "0.5rem",
"3": "0.75rem",
"4": "1rem",
"5": "1.25rem",
"6": "1.5rem",
"8": "2rem",
"10": "2.5rem",
"12": "3rem",
"16": "4rem",
"20": "5rem",
"24": "6rem",
"32": "8rem",
"40": "10rem",
"48": "12rem",
"56": "14rem",
"64": "16rem"
backgroundColor: theme => theme("colors"),
backgroundPosition: {
bottom: "bottom",
center: "center",
left: "left",
"left-bottom": "left bottom",
"left-top": "left top",
right: "right",
"right-bottom": "right bottom",
"right-top": "right top",
top: "top"
backgroundSize: {
auto: "auto",
cover: "cover",
contain: "contain"
borderColor: theme => ({
default: theme("colors.gray.300", "currentColor")
borderRadius: {
none: "0",
sm: "0.125rem",
default: "0.25rem",
md: "0.375rem",
lg: "0.5rem",
full: "9999px"
borderWidth: {
default: "1px",
"0": "0",
"2": "2px",
"4": "4px",
"8": "8px"
boxShadow: {
sm: "0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)",
"0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)",
"0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)",
"0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)",
"0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)",
"2xl": "0 25px 50px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)",
inner: "inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)",
outline: "0 0 0 3px rgba(66, 153, 225, 0.5)",
none: "none"
container: {},
cursor: {
auto: "auto",
default: "default",
pointer: "pointer",
wait: "wait",
text: "text",
move: "move",
"not-allowed": "not-allowed"
fill: {
current: "currentColor"
flex: {
"1": "1 1 0%",
auto: "1 1 auto",
initial: "0 1 auto",
none: "none"
flexGrow: {
"0": "0",
default: "1"
flexShrink: {
"0": "0",
default: "1"
fontFamily: {
sans: [
'"Segoe UI"',
'"Helvetica Neue"',
'"Noto Sans"',
'"Apple Color Emoji"',
'"Segoe UI Emoji"',
'"Segoe UI Symbol"',
'"Noto Color Emoji"'
serif: ["Georgia", "Cambria", '"Times New Roman"', "Times", "serif"],
mono: [
'"Liberation Mono"',
'"Courier New"',
fontSize: {
xs: "0.75rem",
sm: "0.875rem",
base: "1rem",
lg: "1.125rem",
xl: "1.25rem",
"2xl": "1.5rem",
"3xl": "1.875rem",
"4xl": "2.25rem",
"5xl": "3rem",
"6xl": "4rem"
fontWeight: {
hairline: "100",
thin: "200",
light: "300",
normal: "400",
medium: "500",
semibold: "600",
bold: "700",
extrabold: "800",
black: "900"
height: theme => ({
auto: "auto",
full: "100%",
screen: "100vh"
inset: {
"0": "0",
auto: "auto"
letterSpacing: {
tighter: "-0.05em",
tight: "-0.025em",
normal: "0",
wide: "0.025em",
wider: "0.05em",
widest: "0.1em"
lineHeight: {
none: "1",
tight: "1.25",
snug: "1.375",
normal: "1.5",
relaxed: "1.625",
loose: "2"
listStyleType: {
none: "none",
disc: "disc",
decimal: "decimal"
margin: (theme, { negative }) => ({
auto: "auto",
maxHeight: {
full: "100%",
screen: "100vh"
maxWidth: (theme, { breakpoints }) => ({
none: "none",
xs: "20rem",
sm: "24rem",
md: "28rem",
lg: "32rem",
xl: "36rem",
"2xl": "42rem",
"3xl": "48rem",
"4xl": "56rem",
"5xl": "64rem",
"6xl": "72rem",
full: "100%",
minHeight: {
"0": "0",
full: "100%",
screen: "100vh"
minWidth: {
"0": "0",
full: "100%"
objectPosition: {
bottom: "bottom",
center: "center",
left: "left",
"left-bottom": "left bottom",
"left-top": "left top",
right: "right",
"right-bottom": "right bottom",
"right-top": "right top",
top: "top"
opacity: {
"0": "0",
"25": "0.25",
"50": "0.5",
"75": "0.75",
"100": "1"
order: {
first: "-9999",
last: "9999",
none: "0",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7",
"8": "8",
"9": "9",
"10": "10",
"11": "11",
"12": "12"
padding: theme => theme("spacing"),
placeholderColor: theme => theme("colors"),
stroke: {
current: "currentColor"
strokeWidth: {
"0": "0",
"1": "1",
"2": "2"
textColor: theme => theme("colors"),
width: theme => ({
auto: "auto",
"1/2": "50%",
"1/3": "33.333333%",
"2/3": "66.666667%",
"1/4": "25%",
"2/4": "50%",
"3/4": "75%",
"1/5": "20%",
"2/5": "40%",
"3/5": "60%",
"4/5": "80%",
"1/6": "16.666667%",
"2/6": "33.333333%",
"3/6": "50%",
"4/6": "66.666667%",
"5/6": "83.333333%",
"1/12": "8.333333%",
"2/12": "16.666667%",
"3/12": "25%",
"4/12": "33.333333%",
"5/12": "41.666667%",
"6/12": "50%",
"7/12": "58.333333%",
"8/12": "66.666667%",
"9/12": "75%",
"10/12": "83.333333%",
"11/12": "91.666667%",
full: "100%",
screen: "100vw"
zIndex: {
auto: "auto",
"0": "0",
"10": "10",
"20": "20",
"30": "30",
"40": "40",
"50": "50"
gap: theme => theme("spacing"),
rowGap: {},
columnGap: {},
gridTemplateColumns: {
none: "none",
"1": "repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"2": "repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"3": "repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"4": "repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"5": "repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"6": "repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"7": "repeat(7, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"8": "repeat(8, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"9": "repeat(9, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"10": "repeat(10, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"11": "repeat(11, minmax(0, 1fr))",
"12": "repeat(12, minmax(0, 1fr))"
gridColumn: {
auto: "auto",
"span-1": "span 1 / span 1",
"span-2": "span 2 / span 2",
"span-3": "span 3 / span 3",
"span-4": "span 4 / span 4",
"span-5": "span 5 / span 5",
"span-6": "span 6 / span 6",
"span-7": "span 7 / span 7",
"span-8": "span 8 / span 8",
"span-9": "span 9 / span 9",
"span-10": "span 10 / span 10",
"span-11": "span 11 / span 11",
"span-12": "span 12 / span 12"
gridColumnStart: {
auto: "auto",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7",
"8": "8",
"9": "9",
"10": "10",
"11": "11",
"12": "12",
"13": "13"
gridColumnEnd: {
auto: "auto",
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7",
"8": "8",
"9": "9",
"10": "10",
"11": "11",
"12": "12",
"13": "13"
gridTemplateRows: {},
gridRow: {},
gridRowStart: {},
gridRowEnd: {},
transformOrigin: {
center: "center",
top: "top",
"top-right": "top right",
right: "right",
"bottom-right": "bottom right",
bottom: "bottom",
"bottom-left": "bottom left",
left: "left",
"top-left": "top left"
scale: {
"0": "0",
"50": ".5",
"75": ".75",
"90": ".9",
"95": ".95",
"100": "1",
"105": "1.05",
"110": "1.1",
"125": "1.25",
"150": "1.5"
rotate: {
"-180": "-180deg",
"-90": "-90deg",
"-45": "-45deg",
"0": "0",
"45": "45deg",
"90": "90deg",
"180": "180deg"
translate: (theme, { negative }) => ({
"-full": "-100%",
"-1/2": "-50%",
"1/2": "50%",
full: "100%"
skew: {},
transitionProperty: {
none: "none",
all: "all",
default: "background-color, border-color, color, opacity, transform",
colors: "background-color, border-color, color",
opacity: "opacity",
transform: "transform"
transitionTimingFunction: {
linear: "linear",
in: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1)",
out: "cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)",
"in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)"
transitionDuration: {
"75": "75ms",
"100": "100ms",
"150": "150ms",
"200": "200ms",
"300": "300ms",
"500": "500ms",
"700": "700ms",
"1000": "1000ms"
variants: {
accessibility: ["responsive", "focus"],
alignContent: ["responsive"],
alignItems: ["responsive"],
alignSelf: ["responsive"],
appearance: ["responsive"],
backgroundAttachment: ["responsive"],
backgroundColor: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
backgroundPosition: ["responsive"],
backgroundRepeat: ["responsive"],
backgroundSize: ["responsive"],
borderCollapse: ["responsive"],
borderColor: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
borderRadius: ["responsive"],
borderStyle: ["responsive"],
borderWidth: ["responsive"],
boxShadow: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
boxSizing: ["responsive"],
cursor: ["responsive"],
display: ["responsive"],
fill: ["responsive"],
flex: ["responsive"],
flexDirection: ["responsive"],
flexGrow: ["responsive"],
flexShrink: ["responsive"],
flexWrap: ["responsive"],
float: ["responsive"],
clear: ["responsive"],
fontFamily: ["responsive"],
fontSize: ["responsive"],
fontSmoothing: ["responsive"],
fontStyle: ["responsive"],
fontWeight: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
height: ["responsive"],
inset: ["responsive"],
justifyContent: ["responsive"],
letterSpacing: ["responsive"],
lineHeight: ["responsive"],
listStylePosition: ["responsive"],
listStyleType: ["responsive"],
margin: ["responsive"],
maxHeight: ["responsive"],
maxWidth: ["responsive"],
minHeight: ["responsive"],
minWidth: ["responsive"],
objectFit: ["responsive"],
objectPosition: ["responsive"],
opacity: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
order: ["responsive"],
outline: ["responsive", "focus"],
overflow: ["responsive"],
padding: ["responsive"],
placeholderColor: ["responsive", "focus"],
pointerEvents: ["responsive"],
position: ["responsive"],
resize: ["responsive"],
stroke: ["responsive"],
strokeWidth: ["responsive"],
tableLayout: ["responsive"],
textAlign: ["responsive"],
textColor: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
textDecoration: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
textTransform: ["responsive"],
userSelect: ["responsive"],
verticalAlign: ["responsive"],
visibility: ["responsive"],
whitespace: ["responsive"],
width: ["responsive"],
wordBreak: ["responsive"],
zIndex: ["responsive"],
gap: ["responsive"],
columnGap: ["responsive"],
rowGap: ["responsive"],
gridAutoFlow: ["responsive"],
gridTemplateColumns: ["responsive"],
gridColumn: ["responsive"],
gridColumnStart: ["responsive"],
gridColumnEnd: ["responsive"],
gridTemplateRows: ["responsive"],
gridRow: ["responsive"],
gridRowStart: ["responsive"],
gridRowEnd: ["responsive"],
transform: ["responsive"],
transformOrigin: ["responsive"],
scale: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
rotate: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
translate: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
skew: ["responsive", "hover", "focus"],
transitionProperty: ["responsive"],
transitionTimingFunction: ["responsive"],
transitionDuration: ["responsive"]
corePlugins: {},
plugins: []